Palworld Breeding Calculator and Breeding Combinations

Select Parent
Select Parent

What is Palworld?

Palworld is an open-world survival crafting game developed by Pocketpair, a Japanese indie game studio. The game features a unique blend of mechanics and genres, combining elements of survival, crafting, farming, and creature collection in a vibrant, expansive world.

What is the Palworld Breeding Calculator?

The Palworld Breeding Calculator, also referred to as the PalWorld Combos Calculator, is an invaluable resource for players seeking to refine their breeding strategies within the game Palworld. This calculator enables players to ascertain the potential offspring when breeding various Pals, facilitating more efficient and effective breeding choices.

When players input the parent Pals into the calculator, they can preview the potential outcomes and devise their breeding strategies accordingly. The Breeding Calculator takes into account factors such as the type of Pals, their rarity, and their unique abilities to deliver precise predictions.

This tool eliminates the need for the trial-and-error method, saving players both time and resources. It enhances the breeding experience by equipping players with the necessary information to make well-informed decisions, ultimately rendering the Pal breeding process in Palworld more enjoyable and productive.

How to Breed Pals in Palworld?

In Palworld, you can breed Pals by following these steps:

Get a Breeding Farm:First, you need a Level 19 Breeding Farm. To build it, gather 100 Wood, 50 Fiber, and 20 Stone. Make sure you have enough space for this large building.

Get Some Cake:Cake is crucial for breeding. It's a bit tricky to make, so check our guide for help. You'll need one Cake for each egg produced during breeding.

Have a Pair of Pals:You need two Pals, one male and one female.

Put Them in the Breeding Farm:Once you have everything, place your chosen Pals in the Breeding Farm. Deploy them to your base and then pick them up and toss them into the Breeding Farm. Assign them the 'breeding' task.

Watch the Gauge:When two compatible Pals are in the Breeding Farm, a gauge will slowly go up as they breed. When it's full, they'll use a Cake from the box in front of the farm. After that, an egg will appear in the middle of the farm.

Check for Cake:If there's no Cake in the Breeding Farm box, the Pals inside won't finish breeding. They'll wait with the gauge maxed out until the Cake arrives. Make sure to keep an eye on the Cake supply for smooth breeding!

How Breeding Works in Palworld?

Breeding in Palworld involves combining two Pals to create a new Pal with desirable traits. Here's how the process works:

Get a Breeding Farm:Start by obtaining a Level 19 Breeding Farm. You’ll need to gather 100 Wood, 50 Fiber, and 20 Stone to build it. Ensure you have enough space for this large building.

Get Some Cake:Cake is essential for breeding. Crafting it can be tricky, so refer to our guide for assistance. Each breeding session requires one Cake per egg produced.

Have a Pair of Pals:Select two Pals for breeding – one male and one female.

Put Them in the Breeding Farm:Place your chosen Pals in the Breeding Farm. Deploy them to your base, pick them up, and place them into the Breeding Farm. Assign them the 'breeding' task.

Watch the Gauge:With two compatible Pals in the Breeding Farm, a gauge will fill up as they breed. Once the gauge is full, they’ll use a Cake from the box in front of the farm. An egg will then appear in the middle of the farm.

Check for Cake:If there’s no Cake in the Breeding Farm box, the Pals won’t finish breeding. They’ll wait with the gauge maxed out until Cake is provided. Ensure you keep the Cake supply stocked for uninterrupted breeding!

How to calculate Palworld breeding?

Calculating breeding in Palworld involves using the Breeding Calculator tool to predict the outcomes of pairing different Pals. Here's how you can effectively use this tool:

Understand the Basics:The Breeding Calculator takes into account various factors such as the type, rarity, and special skills of the parent Pals to provide accurate breeding predictions.

Gather Information:Before using the calculator, gather information about the parent Pals you want to breed. This includes their type, rarity, and any special skills they possess.

Enter Parent Pals:Input the details of the two parent Pals into the Breeding Calculator. This typically involves selecting the Pals from a list or entering their names.

View Results:The calculator will display the potential outcomes of the breeding pair. This includes the possible types, rarities, and skills of the resulting Pals.

Plan Your Strategy:Use the information provided by the calculator to plan your breeding strategy. Choose the best combinations to achieve the desired traits in your new Pals.

Optimize Your Breeding:By using the Breeding Calculator, you can avoid random trials and errors, saving time and resources. It helps you make informed decisions and optimize your breeding process.

Keep Records:Maintain a record of your successful breeding combinations for future reference. This can help you replicate desirable outcomes and improve your breeding efficiency.

How is breeding worth calculated?

Type and Rarity: The type and rarity of the parent Pals play a significant role in determining the worth of the offspring. Rare and unique types generally result in more valuable offspring.

Special Skills: The special skills or abilities of the parent Pals are considered. Offspring that inherit rare or powerful skills are usually more valuable.

Breeding Success Rate: The success rate of breeding, which can be influenced by the compatibility of the parent Pals, affects the overall worth. Higher success rates often lead to more valuable offspring.

Resources Used: The resources required for breeding, such as Cakes and the cost of maintaining a Breeding Farm, are factored into the calculation. Efficient use of resources can enhance the worth of the breeding process.

Market Demand: The current demand for certain types or skills in the Palworld market influences the breeding worth. Pals that are in high demand can significantly increase the value of the breeding outcomes.

Breeding Time: The time taken for breeding to complete is also considered. Faster breeding processes can enhance the overall worth by allowing for more frequent breeding cycles.

Parental Lineage: The lineage and pedigree of the parent Pals contribute to the worth. Offspring from prestigious or highly-valued parent Pals are often more sought after.